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Breath on the Wind Page 11
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Page 11
“Oh, doll, that’s it.”
It was different this way, and not a simple matter of bouncing up and down. At first she struggled to get the leverage, but then she found a way of pushing against the pegs and rotating her hips that made Chiz’s cock hit all the best spots inside her. He sucked his thumb into his mouth, and then dropped his hand into her lap. She felt the calloused skin over her clit and threw her head back, crying out into the night,
“That’s it doll. Fuck, to see you like this.”
“Jesus, Chiz, you feel so fucking good in me.”
She was going to come, and she was going to come hard. She felt Chiz’s body tighten, under, around and inside her, and heard his breath hitch. She knew he was going to come with her. Andy wanted to hold it off, to make it last longer, because every last thing about this fuck was awesome. But there was no chance, they were both too carried away.
Instead, she gave herself over to the orgasm that consumed her like wildfire as they both shouted their pleasure to the stars.
Chapter Ten
Chiz woke in his bed at the motel, and for a moment, as every morning before, it took him a beat to orient himself. The confusion was partly due to the rarity of him being away from home, particularly for so long, but part of it was Elmo. Every morning he woke up feeling the ache of exertion in his muscles and smelling the scent of her, of them, on his skin and in the sheets. For the past couple of mornings, he’d been surprised to find himself alone in the bed.
The previous night was now on Chiz’s list of nights to remember. Truth be told, every night this week so far was making up the top five.
After a truly epic fuck on his bike, which was going to add a whole new dimension to his riding for some time to come, he’d taken Elmo for dinner at a diner on the city limits, a kitsch Fifties-themed place operating out of a chromed Airstream trailer. It was small and private. The food had turned out to be excellent, which was good because they were both starving. Chiz had been pleased to see that Elmo had a healthy appetite. He would have been disappointed if she’d have turned out to be a salad and tofu freak. It was one more thing that didn’t fit with the ozone-layer-saving, militant-vegetable-eating, commune that she lived in.
Elmo had suggested that for tonight, she return the favor. She wanted to dress up, which meant that laundry was on his list of things to do today, but he was trying not to gripe about that. So far, Elmo dressing up had been extremely entertaining. He could wear a shirt and make nice with waiters if she wanted to look a little fancy for him. He suspected that their date would not be a simple case of dinner and drinks.
He started his day with a ride, just as he had each previous morning. It was an aimless wandering through the countryside, avoiding both the city and the interstate. There was some pretty scenery about, even in the middle of winter. If he took the roads closest to the ocean; there were some clear views of the Gulf, too.
He rode until his stomach informed him that it was time to eat lunch. It didn’t take much effort to find somewhere to grab a burger and fries, nothing too heavy. He didn’t want a lead weight of food squatting in his gut later.
On the way back to his motel, Chiz detoured past the rest stop that he’d taken Elmo to the previous night. In the dead of winter, even during the holiday season, it was empty and clear of tourists. Chiz took some time to enjoy a couple of smokes, and to relive the memories. He was hard by the time he mounted his bike and turned back down the access road, but he ignored his erection, preferring to save his energies.
Once back at the motel, he packed his laundry into his rucksack and tucked it into his saddlebags. The clerk at the reception desk directed him to the nearest full-service laundromat. While he was waiting for his shit to be done being washed and dried, he found somewhere to grab a coffee, and a seat, and called his president. He’d made brief calls to Samuel every day, just to let him know that he was alive, and that he hadn’t been arrested.
Samuel answered almost immediately.
“Hello there, brother.”
“Hey, boss. Just checkin’ in. I’m still outside of jail.”
Samuel paused. “You are plannin’ on comin’ home, aren’t you, brother?” He’d phrased the question with a humorous lilt to his voice, but Chiz could hear the concern underneath it.
“Yeah. Course I am. Just takin’ some time is all.”
“You okay?”
Chiz took a moment to give the question his full consideration. Samuel wasn’t just asking superficially. “Yeah I’m good. I feel good.”
“Uh huh. There’s gotta be a woman involved in this somewhere.” Samuel’s tone had turned to teasing.
Chiz was silent for a second too long as he debated telling Samuel about Elmo, but he couldn’t find the words for her. He didn’t think he could describe what he’d found in Alabama in a way that his president would understand. And after all, Samuel wasn’t the only person who had trouble understanding him.
Samuel answered for him. “Yep. As I thought. No way she’s casual pussy if you’re stayin’ away this long. Have fun. Keep safe. We miss you.”
Chiz snorted a laugh. “Yeah. Right. I’m sure Sinatra misses gettin’ his ass handed to him in the ring.”
“He’s been trainin’ with Shark. You might want to put your dick away long enough to spend some time in the gym. I think he’ll give you a good fight when you get back.”
“I’ll believe that when I see it.”
“The kid’s got form. Anyway, keep whole, son.”
“Will do. Stay safe, pres.”
Chiz ended the call. The thought of Sinatra beating him in the ring was laughable, even with Shark’s tutoring, but still, he was going to get his ass to the gym. He’d already found one that he felt comfortable in. He didn’t speak to anyone there. He wasn’t out to make friends. It wasn’t one of the shiny chrome and mirror places with repetitive, ear-numbing dance music piped out of every corner, and people posing on the machines rather than working out on them. This was a sawdust-on-the-floor joint that stank of sweat, and the only soundtrack was the grunts of the men working out, and the whump of taped fists hitting the heavy bags. There was the occasional yell from the trainers, grizzled men with bent noses and cauliflower ears, as they coached the title-hungry boxers who sparred on the stained canvas of the ring in the center of the room.
Chiz finished his coffee and picked up his laundry. He took it back to the motel and changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt. He put his boots on to ride. He hadn’t packed any sneakers for his trip, so he worked out in his bare feet.
Chiz spent some time on the weights before he moved over to the heavy bag. He didn’t want to exhaust himself, but he enjoyed the burn in his muscles as they complained of being tested. He did not enjoy the ache that came right from the marrow of the bone in his right leg. He might not have minded quite so much if he’d acquired the break in his thigh bone in some sort of fight, or even if a vehicle in the garage had dropped on him. The fact that he’d fractured his femur falling off a ladder while hanging curtains for his veep’s old lady just added to the hurt.
Chiz caught the bag so it didn’t swing back and smack him in the face. He looked up to see who had spoken. He had to look a ways up, because it was the big fucker, the ex-Dirty Rat, who worked the door at Elmo’s club. The big guy was sweating, so he must have been in the gym a while. Chiz had been in the zone, and had paid zero attention to anyone else in the room while he’d counted out his repetitions and concentrated on the form of his combinations.
“You throw a good punch. Wanna spar?”
Chiz did not want to be flattened before he met with Elmo, and the guy was a fucking giant, but it would be good to have a challenge in the ring. It was no bad thing to get some practice in with someone new. Shark was a good opponent, and he was almost as big as this fucker, but it had been a while since Chiz had faced someone whose style he wasn’t fully aware of.
“Yeah, sure.”
/> As they clambered between the frayed, faded ropes of the ring, Chiz allowed himself to have some second thoughts. He wasn’t pussying out, but the guy had over a foot of height on him and inches of reach. Even for a friendly spar, this would be a test of skill.
By the time they’d finished their third round, they’d attracted quite a crowd. A couple of the trainers had designated themselves corner men, and were perched on each corner. One of the boxers in training, a heavyweight, had started timing and calling the rounds, and acting as referee. Everyone else was grouped around the skirt of the canvas.
They traded blows for ten rounds in total. They weren’t wearing any protective equipment, but by mutual unspoken agreement they’d avoided head shots. Chiz’s previously cracked ribs were voicing their discontent, but he knew some Tylenol and hard liquor would silence them.
The refereeing heavyweight called it a draw. Chiz was happy with that. He’d stood firm in the face of twelve inches of height and at least six inches of reach. There was no shame in not winning a practice bout against those odds.
When they both climbed out from between the ropes, it was to cheers from their impromptu audience. As the trainers encouraged their charges back to work with curses and insults, Chiz and his new friend headed for the locker room. Chiz showered briefly. The pressure and temperature was no better than warm piss, barely enough to get the sweat off. He’d shower properly at the motel to get clean.
They were both dressing off when Gigantor spoke. Chiz hadn’t really been expecting conversation.
“You known Andrea long?”
Chiz wasn’t sure who fuck the guy was talking about. About the same time that he cottoned on, the big guy clarified, “Andy? Elmo?”
Elmo was the name he’d given at the club the day before. Andrea, so that was what her name was, huh.
“Just since Christmas. Why? That cause a problem for you?”
“Gods, no, man. She’s an impressive bitch, but I got an old lady at home.”
“What’s your interest then?”
“She’s my boss. And she’s a good boss. There ain’t many like her out there.”
“You respect her?”
“Yeah. Do you?”
“Good. That’s all I need to know. See ya around.”
His new buddy hauled his gym bag onto his shoulder, and punctuated what had obviously been a warning with a clap on Chiz’s shoulder as he left the locker room. Chiz stood for a moment, staring at the door that had swung closed. He had no fucking clue what he was getting himself into, but he was obviously getting into something.
Back at the motel, Chiz showered again and changed. He dressed in jeans and his button-down shirt, and wondered what sort of night Elmo had planned for them. He didn’t feel like he had enough of a handle on her personality to guess what she had in mind. Elmo dressing up meant her picking him up in her little car, since she’d hinted she wouldn’t be able to ride in what she would have liked to wear, so he poured himself a drink and waited.
The knock on the door came at exactly the time she’d stated. He still checked the peephole out of habit, but this time he didn’t take his gun to the door with him. Sure enough, Elmo was waiting alone on the other side.
Chiz opened the door and waved her in. She was wearing a dress in a shade of green so dark it was almost black. At first glance, Chiz was a little disappointed, it covered her chest up to her neck and it had long sleeves, although it hugged her curves nicely and ended a couple of inches above her knees. But when she walked past him he lost the ability to breathe for a second; it was completely backless and low enough to show the first swell of the cheeks of her ass. In addition, she had the seamed stockings on again and the sexy black shoes with the red sole.
Chiz considered a sudden re-evaluation of their night. Staying in and fucking until they passed out seemed like the best, the only, plan. He was determined to fuck her while she wore those heels, and he was determined that it would be this night.
He shoved the door closed and went for his glass, for a drink to wet his dry throat, before he could speak,
“You look good, doll. Real good. You want a drink?”
She had a shit-eating grin on her face. She knew damn well what effect that dress was having on him, as if the bulge in his jeans wasn’t giving it away.
“Thank you.” Her grin got wider. “You ready?”
Chiz threw back the rest of his whiskey. “Yeah, doll. Let’s go.” If they didn’t walk out of this room right the fuck now, they would not be walking out of it before dawn.
“Not so fast.” She handed him a box that he hadn’t noticed she was carrying. He hadn’t noticed the little purse in her other hand either. He’d been entirely focused on the length of her spine and the inviting curve of her backside. There could not possibly be underwear under that dress.
Chiz put his glass down on the table and opened the little red box. It took him a moment to realize what he was looking at. Then he grinned and almost came in his jeans. It was a vibrator in two parts, a little silver egg and a remote control that looked exactly like a remote key fob for a car, or an automated garage door.
“Oh, doll. We’re gonna have some fun tonight.”
Elmo was still grinning, standing there like a fucking wet dream. “I’m counting on it.”
She walked over to him as he put the box down on the table next to his glass. He needed to get his hands on her. He also needed to exercise some control. Staying in the room was a good plan, but he was very excited about the vibrator and Elmo in a public place, very excited.
He slid one hand into her hair, which was hanging in waves around her shoulders, and pulled her into a deep kiss. As he stroked her tongue with his, he skimmed his other hand over her hip to the hem of her dress, moved his palm between her thighs and slid it upwards. He groaned into her mouth when he felt the lace edge of the stockings she was wearing.
He continued on his journey and Elmo adjusted her stance to allow him access. He’d been right, she was fucking naked under the dress. Chiz groaned into the kiss again. The horny bitch was already dripping wet with anticipation. He slid two fingers into her naked, slick pussy as she started to move her hips against his hand. His cock was uncomfortably solid, but he was going to grin and bear it while they played this game out. It would be worth it.
He broke the kiss and removed his hand, chuckling at Elmo’s disappointed moan.
“Turn around. Bend over.”
Elmo did as instructed and bent over the table. As tempted as he was just to grip her hips and take her there and then, Chiz ran his hand up the inside of her thigh from his position behind her. He placed his other hand between her bare shoulder blades, pushing her forward and down slightly. She flexed against his touch, then rested her elbows on the table, presenting her backside to him.
Chiz took a moment to appreciate the view, and then pinched the hem of her dress and slowly rolled it up until he had revealed the creamy cheeks that he’d so enjoyed spanking to a rosy glow.
He put his hands on the back of her thighs, encouraging her to spread her legs more. He couldn’t help but run his fingers over and into her pussy again, playing with her until she moaned.
He removed his fingers. “Not so fast, doll.”
Chiz reached over Elmo to the table and plucked the silver egg out of the box. He pushed it into her, holding her hips steady as she moved against the invasion. He pushed the egg as deep as he could. Once inside her, the only sign it was there at all was the loop of silver ribbon that peeked from between her lust-swollen lips. He gave her ass a quick slap, grinning at the pink handprint that immediately appeared, as much as Elmo’s yelp of shock, and pulled her dress back into place. He backed up to give her the room to stand, and pocketed the remote control.
Elmo smoothed her hands over her dress, making sure it was exactly in place. It was snug enough that he could see she was clenc
hing her thighs together.
“You better not turn this on while I’m behind the wheel.” Elmo’s voice was throaty. “I do not want to have to explain to a cop just why the accident occurred.”
Chiz mock saluted. “I’ll be good. I promise.”
Elmo laughed. “Yeah, right. Let’s go.”
Elmo drove them to a restaurant that wasn’t so high-end that they would refuse Chiz entry for not wearing a suit, but it was classy enough that it wasn’t full of noisy parties or kids. It looked like the staff knew her. She spoke some quick words with the waiter, and they were shown to a table for two in a quiet corner. The lights were dim, so much the better to hide the flush that Chiz knew damn well he was going to raise on Elmo’s cheeks.